adaptive potential, relative strength index, student youth, health, correlationAbstract
The article determined the physical development and state of the cardiovascular system of students of Biology Faculty. 45 first-year students (36 female and 9 male) and 17 fourth-year students (10 female and 7 male) participated in the study. Calculations of the shoulder musculature development index, relative strength index and correlation analysis of the dependence of the adaptation potential on the relative strength index were carried out. Comparing the results of measuring the muscle development index among girls, we found that the weak and medium levels of this indicator prevailed in fourth-year students compared to first-year students. Good development of musculature prevailed in female students of the 1st year. Comparing the results of the assessment of physical development among girls, we found that the low degree of this indicator prevailed in students of the IV year compared to the I year, physical development within the norm was found only in the students of the I year. Among the boys, a low degree of physical development prevailed in students of the first year, physical development within the norm was observed only in students of the fourth year. We established that there was not a single student with a high level of physical development among the boys of the 1st and 4th years The obtained values of adaptation potential were used to assess the adaptation capabilities of students. 50% of girls and 78% of boys had stress adaptation mechanisms, so they were recommended to do physical exercises according to a special program, 50% of the examined girls and 22% of boys had satisfactory adaptation, it was recommended to exercise without restrictions. After conducting a correlation analysis of the adaptation potential and the index of relative strength, we can note that there is a reliable weak negative correlation (r = –0.3, p ≥ 0.95) in girls, students of the 1st year, and a reliable average negative correlation in girls, students of the 4th year (r = –0.7, p ≥ 0.95). With a decrease in adaptation potential, the index of relative strength in first- and fourth-year girls increases significantly. Therefore, the application of hand dynamometry methods in combination with the index of muscle development allowed us to establish that in girls of the 1st and 4th years, indicators within and above the norm prevail. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was established that with the decrease in the adaptation potential, the index of relative strength in girls of the first and fourth years increases reliably. A satisfactory level of adaptation was found in the majority of students. A higher percentage of persons with satisfactory adaptation was observed among female students than among male students. This is probably explained by greater resistance to stress, hormonal differences, and fewer individuals with bad habits among girls. Students who belong to the first health group can be recommended to increase physical activity and abandon habits that are harmful to health. Individuals belonging to the second group need preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of various diseases (individually in each case).
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