
  • M. Krivcova SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • Ya. Hasynets SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • M. KARABINIUK SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”
  • I. Zajachuk SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”




Ukrainian Carpathians, phytodiversity, bryophytes, rare species, nature reserve fund


The paper isdevoted to the identification of the rare component of the bryoflora of the Hutsulshchyna National Nature Park, the establishment of the rarity category for rare species protected at the international, state and regional levels. For the territory of the park, 31 species of bryophytes of varying degrees and categories of rarity were identified. Their presence in environmental protection documents of different levels was analyzed, their distribution in the park was characterized, and modern finds were noted separately. The criteria for assigning them to these categories and brief characteristics of the population status in Europe are given for 6 species that have EN, VU and NT categories in the IUCN Red List. It is shown that only one species of the park's bryoflora (Anacamptodon splachnoides) is protected both at the international and national levels. For 5 species from the Red Data Book of European bryophytes and 1 species from the Red Data Book of Ukraine, which have LC status in the IUCN Red List, the criteria for this at the European level are also considered. Also, 11 species of bryophytes were identified as regionally rare for the Ukrainian Carpathians and 20 – as regionally rare for Ivano-Frankivsk region.


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