
  • Nelya Tsytsiura Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy
  • Olga Dukh Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy
  • Oleksandr Bondar West Ukrainian National University



nature reserve fund, percentage of reserve, values


The work analyzes the natural attractions of the Kremenets district of the Ternopil region. It was established that the actual area of the nature reserve fund of national and local significance of the Kremenets district (without taking into account the area of those objects that are part of the territories of other protected objects) is 23,285.14 hectares, which is 8.84% of the area of the district (indicator of conservation). The area of natural monuments of the studied area is 185.21 hectares and has 62 units. It was established that there are 41 botanical, 15 geological and 6 hydrological monuments of nature on the territory of Kremenets district under the conservation regime. A significant share of the area of natural monuments of the Kremenets district is occupied by botanical monuments – 134.19 hectares, which is 72.5%. Geological – 49.47 ha (26.7%) and hydrological – 1.55 ha (0.8%) natural monuments account for a much smaller area. The district includes eight territorial communities. There are 5 natural monuments in the Borsukivska rural territorial community, Velikodederkalska village – 1, Vyshnievetska village – 4, Kremenetska city – 20, Lanovetska city – 8, Lopushnenska village – 1, Pochaivska village – 3, Shumska city – 20. The largest number, and therefore the area of natural monuments on the territory of Shumsk city community is 89.77 hectares, which is 48.55%, and Kremenets city community is 31.46 hectares (16.0%). 6 natural monuments have been identified, which are included in the ecological and touristic routes of the National Nature Park "Kremenetsky Mountains" and are used in environmental and educational work (geological natural monuments of "Slovakian Rocks", "Danilova Gora", "Unias Mountain"; botanical natural attractions "Kremenetska Beech No. 1", "Kremenetska Beech No. 2"; hydrological nature attraction "Koryto Spring"). Their characteristics are presented, their valuable potential and educational and cognitive significance are revealed.


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