
  • S. Chepur Uzhhorod National University
  • A. Migal Uzhhorod National University
  • V. Roman Uzhhorod National University



botanical composition, agrophytocenoses, Dactylis glomerata, Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca pratensis, Trifolium pratense, Lotus corniculatus, Phléum pretense


Artificial phytocoenoses of the mountain-forest zone of the Carpathians are formed under the influence of climatic conditions, altitude, and differ in vegetation cover and productivity and require a special approach to their improvement and use. The publication presents the results of a study on the impact of different harvesting and fertilization regimes on the peculiarities of species composition and the duration of its use. It is proposed to give preference to intensive varieties of cereal grasses to obtain productive multi-cut sown agrophytocenoses on eroded slopes: Dactylis glomerata L., Phléum pratense L., Festuca pratensis Huds. and for short-term use to add legumes to the mixture. The high productivity of sown agrophytocenoses is ensured by the first mowing in the phase of legumes budding and cereals earing. It has been found that fertilizing agrophytocenoses with nitrogen fertilizers in small doses in three doses has a positive effect on the botanical composition, morphological structure and increases their productivity.


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