


creativity, innovation, educational plans, IT specialists, educational technologies, professional training, dynamic technological development.


The article explores the integration of creativity and innovation into educational curricula for the training of IT specialists, emphasizing their crucial importance in the educational process. Due to the constant development of information technology, the requirements for IT education significantly affect the structure and content of educational programs. Effective integration of creative and innovative approaches is directly linked to enhancing students' abilities for critical analysis, modeling, and competency development, which are vital for modern IT professions. The author emphasizes the need to include advanced pedagogical methods that foster the development of creative thinking and innovation within academic programs. Rapid digitization of education and ongoing technological updates pose a challenge for educators to prepare professionals capable of quickly learning and adapting in a dynamic digital environment. The proposed methods include project-based learning, case studies, and participation in group discussions, which not only help students understand complex IT processes but also develop essential communication skills and prepare them for future professional activities. The importance of creativity and the ability to effectively solve problems in professional growth cannot be underestimated. The conclusion underscores that comprehensive development of these skills is crucial for forming effective IT professionals capable of working in a rapidly changing technological world. The educational approach that combines theory with practice proves decisive in preparing students for successful careers in the field of computer sciences. Special emphasis is placed on engaging students in real projects, which not only enhances their motivation but also provides a deeper understanding of the practical application of learned skills. The final part of the article emphasizes the need for continued research in this field, as rapid technological changes require the adaptation of educational methods and the preparation of future professionals capable of effectively addressing both current and future challenges in the IT field. It is essential to create educational programs that are regularly updated according to the latest technological advancements and market needs, and to teach students the ability to learn quickly and think innovatively. This approach in education will enable the preparation of qualified professionals capable of creative thinking and solving complex problems that may arise in the modern dynamic and unpredictable world of computer technology.


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