school literary education, basic school, trend, reform, reformation, development.Abstract
The article outlines the specifics of Ukrainian literature as an educational subject in modern realities. The author focuses on the fact that literary education in the system of education in basic school, aimed at the development of the intellectual and emotional spheres of each student of education, allows to learn about the surrounding world through the world of fiction books, enriches knowledge, forms a human attitude to reality and educates, becomes the primary basis for development and communication skills, aesthetic feeling. The goal of literary education is highlighted, which consists in involving students in the art of reading, familiarization with outstanding works of national and world literature, and the content of literary education is based on artistic-aesthetic, literary, logical principles. Literary education is a continuous educational process, which involves mastering the art of words, the formation of aesthetic and artistic tastes of a person. One of the main principles of literary education is the awareness of individual works, their imaginative world in the context of culture, as a single text. Based on the analysis of psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature, the essence of the concepts "literary education", "reformation", "development trends of school literary education" was specified. In particular, in the context of the study, the definition "literature education" is interpreted as a continuous educational process, which involves mastering the art of words, the formation of aesthetic and artistic tastes of a person. Reforming is a process of changes that are most often initiated "from above" and have specific further implementation in educational policy. The trends in the development of literary education can be seen in updating the content of educational programs, synthesizing the study of the works of classics and contemporaries, using innovative learning technologies, in particular, interactive, ICT, subject methods, psychologizing the educational process.
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