lecture, thematic lecture, lecture functions, innovative teaching methods, non-standard lectures.Abstract
The article examines modern approaches to the organization and delivery of lectures in a higher education institution. Modern approaches of teachers to this problem are clarified, its types and structure are distinguished. The scientists formulated the opinion that the modern lecture should be conducted on the basis of problem-solving, dialogic communication, and activation of students' thinking and speech activity. Among their types, traditional and innovative ones are indicated (lecture-conversation with posing problematic questions; lecture with micro-teaching of students and others). The purpose of the article is to clarify modern approaches to organizing a lecture in a higher education institution. Research on the organization of lectures in a higher education institution was considered in two directions: the introduction of innovative teaching methods into the structure of traditional lectures and the development of their new types. The author emphasized that in the process of the lecture preparation it is necessary to take into account: the form of obtaining education (full-time, part-time, distance); amount of students; modern innovative trends in the development of education; the specifics of the Educational and Professional Program for the training of a future specialist, which ensures the implementation of the components of professional competence in the discipline. The functions of a modern lecture are highlighted: 1) informational and cognitive (reporting modern trends in the development of higher education, science in Ukraine and abroad; identifying a range of questions for the formation of professional competencies); systematizing (building in a logical sequence and interconnection of the material of content modules in the discipline); motivational support of educational activities (focusing on the development of internal and external motivation in the future specialist); developmental (stimulation to analysis and generalization of the information received, identifying issues that require research); educational (training a modern specialist with creative thinking, able to act in a competitive environment; a national-speech personality with formed democratic and moral-ethical values). The author illustrates the use of innovative teaching methods in the process of conducting a thematic lecture according to its structural parts (methods: forecasting, research and creative, bibliographic search; discussions, "Take a side", "clustering" and others). Each of the above methods contains an algorithm for their application. The features of conducting an insert lecture, a lecture in a quasi-professional environment are emphasized.
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