leisure, innovative technologies, education seekers, leisure pedagogy.Abstract
In the last decade of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century, the attitude to the perception of leisure has changed, both in society and in the scientific community. Leisure has come to be regarded as an independent phenomenon in human life, unlike earlier studies. The appeal to this problem is not accidental, as the student youth is one of the most active social groups of people, which is most susceptible to social, economic, social and cultural innovations. The problem of leisure has been considered by scientists for a long time, different interpretations of this phenomenon have been proposed. The concepts of «leisure» and «free time» are differentiated. An attempt is made to analyze what activities in free time are preferable for students, how they prefer to spend their free time-alone or in the company of friends. The empirical data submitted by results of questioning of students allow to reveal prevalence degree among youth of certain ways of carrying out non-study time and to define structure of free time of students. The authors conclude that unorganized free time prevails in the leisure activities of students, that the leisure infrastructure of the city is poorly used and leisure is spontaneous, implemented mainly in virtual reality with a tendency to consumption, and not to development and creation. Students mostly spend their free time with friends or at home, and the cultural environment of students is poorly used. There is no tendency for young people to cultivate, only a smaller part visits cultural institutions, which can be explained by lack of time. A significant part of students see at leisure the possibility of implementing a model of behavior based on an individual free choice. The paper deals with the examples of pedagogical technologies used in the course «Providing educational technologies », module Leisure Pedagogy. Need of search of new forms of the organization of free time of students in the conditions of globalization of information space is proved. Considerable attention is given to innovative measures to stimulate the development of creative environment and support student initiatives in order to form an active life position.
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