15–16-year-old indoor players, adaptation processes, physical activity, immunocompetent cells.Abstract
The purpose of the research. To study the level of adaptive tension of the body under the influence of physical load in young sportsmen – indoor players at the age from 15 to 16 years and in peers who do not indoor . Research methods. Young indoor spotsmen of the Futsal Academy in Uzhhorod, at the age range of 15–16 years (15.67±0.08 years), and a group of peers who do not do sport indoor (15.53±0.08 years) took part in the study. Research was conducted on the level of adaptive stress in young futsal sporsmen at the ages of 15–16, and in peers who do not play indoors. The results. A probable increase in the absolute number and relative number of rod-nuclear neutrophil granulocytes was established, the absolute and relative number of eosinophilic granulocytes increased; absolute (by 15.15%) and relative (by 13.88%) number of monocytes. Indoor sportmen at the ages from 15 to 16 years have a normal type of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, unlike non-futsal sportsmen, where this indicator is in an accelerated type and is higher (P>0.05). Conclusions. The results of the study of established individualization of adaptation processes in indoor sportsmen demonstrate the positive influence of physical exertion on adaptation processes. Under these conditions, the level of increased activation of adaptation processes is formed in boys who play indoor, which has a positive effect on their health.
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