



shooting sport, shooting horting, shooting technique, classification.


The relevance lies in the systematization of knowledge about some technical features in rifle horting as a new type of shooting sport, since there is little information in this area in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet. The purpose of the work is to highlight the features of performing the elements of a complete shot in rifle horting. Today, there are a large number of shooting sports and disciplines that are part of Olympic, non-Olympic and even traditional sports. In addition, they function as a separate sports discipline, for example, bullet shooting, or a component of all-around sports (biathlon). The article proposes the following author's definition of shooting sports: shooting sports are a group of sports where sports weapons are used in a regulated manner. A scheme of a classification system for shooting sports has been developed taking into account the features of the structure of motor actions, where rifle horting belongs to a dynamic type of independent disciplines. It was found that the structure of a complete shot in horting is the same as in other shooting sports. It was found that the elements of the structure of a complete shot are: stance, holding the weapon (weapon grip), aiming, breathing and trigger pull (shot). It was found that the following starting positions are used in horting: frontal, tactical (combat), weaver, champen, for one-handed shooting and for self-defense. The most popular are the frontal stance and weaver, which are considered basic stances. A feature of acquiring stances in horting is the modification of basic stances by shifting the center of mass of the body. The acquisition of these skills is aimed at teaching the shooter to execute a shot from the safest possible position, which will allow more effectively preparing the athlete for conducting real combat operations.


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