a child with intellectual disabilities, inclusive education, pedagogical learning technologies, health-preserving technologies, healthy lifestyle.Abstract
The article reveals the meaning of the concepts of "learning technologies" and "health-preserving technologies". It was determined that differentiated teaching, adaptation and modification in an inclusive educational environment allow taking into account the level of abilities, interests and capabilities of students with special educational needs. Based on the study of the researches, groups of health-preserving technologies have been identified – technologies for avoiding overfatigue and hypodynamia; technologies associated with a direct impact on the condition of the child's organs, body systems, in particular, the sensory system; technologies for teaching health culture; technologies related to psychological health and types of health preservation and promotion technologies; healthy lifestyle teaching technologies; corrective technologies; speech development. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the usage of health-preserving technologies in primary classes with inclusive education. Task: find out the meaning of the key concept of the research; to determine the methods and techniques of using health-preserving technologies while working with children with intellectual disabilities. The author formulated her own vision of the content of the given definition, which means a dynamic system of organizational, psychological and pedagogical, rehabilitation measures aimed at supporting and improving the health of children with intellectual disabilities, creating safe conditions for their staying and learning in an educational institution, promoting development and adaptation in society, opportunities for self-realization. The characteristics of the components of personal health are given: physical, mental, spiritual‚ social. On the basis of the research, the methods of forming a healthy lifestyle are singled out, individual exercises are recommended, which take place in lessons in the primary education system, resource rooms, inclusive resource centers. Techniques for regulating the emotional and volitional sphere of a child with intellectual disabilities have been selected.
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