clip thinking, multimedia presentation, learning to create presentations, features of information perception, formation of clip thinking.Abstract
It is difficult to imagine the modern educational process without the use of multimedia presentations. After all, it is multimedia presentations that are given preference when choosing a method of visualizing a lesson. They significantly improve students' assimilation of information when teaching a new topic. They also help systematize students' already existing knowledge and check the level of students' knowledge of the topic they have already studied. Therefore, it is important to understand and take into account all the principles of functioning, creation and the possibility of impact of multimedia presentations on the student. One of these characteristics of multimedia presentations can be the influence on the formation of clip thinking in the student. It is to investigate such possibilities that the article examines the characteristics of clip thinking, the reasons for its manifestation, and the peculiarities of information perception by a person with clip thinking. The properties of multimedia presentations are also investigated and errors in creating presentations of this type are given. Based on the mistakes made during the presentation, the justification of the impact of each individual error on the influence of various characteristics of clip thinking was carried out. This made it possible to single out the general reasons for the influence of multimedia presentations on the formation of clip thinking among students. The following causes of influence were highlighted: efforts to quickly absorb information without analyzing it; long-term simultaneous impact on all senses; presentation of information only on the basis of a picture; using theses in presentations, without explaining these theses; presentation of educational materials in the format of short information blocks; oversaturation of slides with visual and textual information. All these reasons arise only because of improper use of multimedia presentations during lectures. That is, by following the rules for designing and presenting visual materials, you can avoid the influence of multimedia presentations on the formation of students' clip thinking.
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