future educators, motivational component, partnership, partnership interaction, parents of young children.Abstract
The article identifies and justifies the necessity of a partnership between educators and parents, which is considered a priority direction of educational activity for preschool educators. It emphasizes that preparing future educators to establish partnerships with parents of young children is an integral component of successfully addressing professional tasks, forming specialized professional competencies, and achieving educational outcomes that determine the readiness of future educators to organize interactions with parents. It is noted that scientific sources interpret the concepts of "partnership" and "partnership interaction" differently, with attention focused on defining "partnership" as the joint work of preschool educators and parents of young children. The approaches of domestic and foreign researchers to the problem of establishing relationships between educators and parents of young children, differentiation and classification, and the role of parents in the educational activities of preschool institutions are reviewed. Barriers that hinder the establishment and development of partnerships between early childhood educators and parents, as well as ways to overcome them, are identified. Key factors for effective partnership in joint educational activities and solving current educational tasks in preschool institutions are highlighted, as close interaction with educators can significantly improve the educational outcomes for their children. The article substantiates the motivational component of future educators' readiness for partnership interaction with parents of young children and presents its indicators, namely: "involvement of educators in establishing partnerships with parents of young children" and "ability to take initiative in establishing contact with parents of young children." Questionnaires have been developed to measure these indicators: the "Partnership Relations between Educator and Parents: Educators' Version" and the "Educators' Attitude towards Partnership with Parents" questionnaire. The results of the initial stage of the study on the motivational component of future educators' readiness for partnership interaction with parents of young children are presented.
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