education in penitentiary institutions, means of educational activities with prisoners, preparation of prisoners for resocialization.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the educational process in penitentiary institutions and the use of educational means of influence on convicts during their stay in them. It is emphasized that the educational process in the penitentiary system concerns not only the possibility of obtaining a profession through organized vocational training, but also the use of educational means that contribute to the correction of the individual. This refers to the educational and upbringing orientation of most events and activities in which convicts are involved, as well as the environment (atmosphere) of stay in places of detention. It is emphasized that the main means of educational activities with prisoners are: the regime of serving a sentence (order, conditions, way of life, supervision, security, rules of interaction and behavior with the administration, staff, each other, etc.); work (involvement in labor activity, performance of duties); education (obtaining general secondary or vocational education); social and educational work (clubs, leisure activities, sports, etc.); public relations (charity, volunteering, religious events, social projects, etc.). All of them relate to different types of activity of convicts and involve their preparation for successful resocialization. It is proved that a high level of communication culture of prison staff is a prerequisite for the successful re-education of prisoners, as it allows them to establish relationships, select (individualize, differentiate) ways of acting to correct them, offer advice, help, reach agreement, find common interests, and develop social and ethical rules. Communication encourages inner spiritual transformations, the development of an active life position, and the desire to become responsible for one's own destiny. Interaction with reputable, morally stable people allows you to expand your knowledge, learn from their experience, discover your own capabilities, cooperate, define your goals, gain confidence, and establish the necessary social values and skills.
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