activity, professional activity, physical education teacher, critical thinking, interactive learning methods.Abstract
The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of professional training of future physical education teachers for professional activity. Modern approaches of scientists to the given problem are characterized; the content of key definitions is clarified. It has been established that "activity" implies action regulated by human consciousness, determined by needs; a motivated process of achieving a goal and a system of measures and techniques for its implementation. «Professional activity of a teacher» is based on the creation of conditions for his/her personal development and preparation for the performance of social roles defined in society. It is summarized that the creative potential of a teacher is based on the possession of a set of professional skills and abilities, and is distinguished by the ability to critically analyze them; ability to self-improvement. The own vision of the professional activity of a physical education teacher is formulated, which is determined by a set of professional skills and abilities, proper physical preparation and a focus on solving educational tasks, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students, and their awareness of the importance of physical activity to ensure the vital activity of the body. Emphasis is placed on the need to use interactive teaching methods in the process of teaching professional disciplines. It has been studied that this approach contributes to the motivation of students of higher education to in-depth analysis of situations, develops critical thinking and forms skills for solving pedagogical problems in further professional activity. The implementation of active learning methods during classes in the discipline «Fundamentals of Pedagogical Mastery» is described. Attention is focused on the features of using lecture-dialogue, mini-lecture, lecturepress conference. Examples of their use in the process of studying individual topics from the course are given. In general, the implementation of active learning methods contributes to the intensity of interaction between the teacher and students, stimulates cognitive activity, develops research skills, forms the ability to analyze the latest scientific research with the aim of further using it in future professional activities.
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