Evaluation of research results of some indicators of physical development of students studying in the specialty 227 Therapy and rehabilitation
physical therapy, examination, physical development, musculoskeletal systemAbstract
Purpose: to assess the indicators of physical development of applicants for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. Materials and methods. As part of the study to determine the state of physical development of higher education students, we examined 27 girls and 15 boys. The age range was 17–19 years. Physical development was assessed by the index of Kettle, Brock, Erisman, Pinier and power index. Statistical processing of indicators was carried out using MS Excel XP. Results. The study of physical development assessment of first-year university students by Ketle, Brock, Erisman, Pinier indices and the right and left hand strength index was important for assessing physical activity, strength and development of different muscle groups in both boys and girls. When studying these indicators for boys and girls, we took into account possible differences in physical development between the genders that may arise due to biological and sociocultural factors. According to the results of the average value of index indicators, it should be noted that in boys the Ketle index was 25,27 ± 1,24, Brock index – 69,40 ± 1,14, Erisman index – 6,66 ± 1,15, Pinier index – 17,46 ± 2,82, right hand strength index – 72,94 ± 7,70, left hand strength index – 66,21 ± 3,50. However, according to the Ketle index, we observe a slight overweight in boys, which may later manifest itself in the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases (average probability). Also, according to the Pinier index and hand dynamometry in boys, it was found that most of them have a normal physique and normally developed muscles of the hands (arm). In girls, the Ketle index was 22,41 ± 0,84, Brock index – 61,55 ± 1,23, Erisman index – 5,52 ± 0,66, Pinier index – 22,03 ± 1,47, right hand strength index – 65,03 ± 5,03, left hand strength index –64,07 ± 5,31. It is worth noting that according to the Pinier index, most of the girls have a moderate physique, but the indicators of the strength index of the right and left hands indicate an excess of the norm, which indicates a difference in the strength of the muscles of the hands (arms). Conclusions. The majority of higher education students had good results according to the indices, but there are some results that indicate disharmonious physical development.
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