To the question of the sexual disorders’ epidemiology in men and the availability of sexological care




sexual disorders of men, epidemiology, management and availability of sexological care, socio-economic determinants


Purpose: to study of the distribution of sexual disorders of men among patients of privately owned medical settings, and their socio-demographic characteristics as indicators of the sexological care availability. Materials and methods. A medico-sociological study was conducted of 402 men aged 20 to 70 who sought medical care for sexual disorders at privately owned health care facilities in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and agreed to participate in the study. Results. It was established that the distribution of sexual disorders in men is dominated by erectile dysfunction (57,7%), premature ejaculation (22,1%) and decreased libido (15,2%) and sporadic orgasmic dysfunction (5,0%). The severity of erectile dysfunction has been shown to increase with age: the median age for mild was 26 years, for moderate was 36 years, and for severe was 51 years, while the median age of men with premature ejaculation, orgasmic dysfunction, and decreased libido was within 32,5–33 years old. It was found that the examined patients of privately owned health care facilities are mainly persons of reproductive age (89,8% aged 30–49), residents of cities (78,9%), with higher education (72,1%) and an average or above average level of income (94,0%). This indicates the low financial, territorial, cultural and informational availability of sexological care for men of post-reproductive age, rural area residents, with a low level of education and income. Conclusions. It is necessary to develop a set of management measures to ensure the availability and quality of medical care for men with sexual disorders.


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Про вдосконалення сексологічної та андрологічної допомоги населенню України, наказ МОЗ України № 171 [інтернет], 27 лист. 1992 [цитовано 10 лип. 2024]. Доступно на:





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