The problem of early detection of breast cancer in women: the results of a sociological study
Transcarpathian region, mammary gland, cancer, prevention, women, sociological surveyAbstract
Purpose: to study the attitude of women living in the mountainous and lowland geographical zone of Transcarpathian region to targeted oncological preventive examinations of the mammary gland. Materials and methods. Materials: data from the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine and the Cancer Registry of Transcarpathian region for 2018–2022 and the results of a sociological survey among women over the age of 40 in Transcarpathian region: 178 mountainous and 231 lowland geographic zones of residence. Methods: bibliosemantic, medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis. Results. Analysis of statistical data indicates that in 2022, 245 women fell ill with breast cancer in the region. At the same time, in 19,18% of them the disease was diagnosed at stages III and IV of its development. The proportion of women in whom the disease was detected in advanced stages increased by 1,5 times over the years of the study (2018–2022). In the course of a sociological study, a low level of awareness of women about the problem of breast cancer and their adherence to targeted preventive examinations was established. At the same time, these indicators are significantly lower in women of mountainous than lowland geographical zones of residence. Conclusions. This situation requires the development and implementation of comprehensive measures to form a motivated responsible attitude to the prevention of breast cancer among women population in the region.
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