To the issue of the necessity to introduce the positions of midwives into the staffing lists of family outpatient clinics
family outpatient clinics, midwives, introduction, substantiationAbstract
Purpose: to substantiate the necessity to include midwives in the staffing lists of family outpatient clinics. Materials and methods. Materials: the results of a sociological survey of 52 general practitioners – family doctors, 69 family nurses, 296 women over the age of 40. Methods: bibliosemantic, sociological, medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis. Results. An extremely low level of targeted preventive examinations of women at the primary level of medical care was established alongside with a high level of detection of visual forms of malignant neoplasms in advanced stages of development. It is recommended to introduce midwives into the staffing lists of family outpatient clinics in order to conduct targeted preventive oncological examinations and detect malignant neoplasms in the early stages of development and, first of all, visual forms of localization, which should be provided at the level of primary health care. The inclusion of midwives in the staffing list of family outpatient clinics is supported by 96,2% of the surveyed family doctors, 85,7% of family nurses, 30,6% of the surveyed women over 40 years of age who live in cities and 59,6% of the surveyed women over 40 years of age living in rural areas. Conclusions. In order to ensure the effective operation of the primary health care section for the detection of visual forms of malignant neoplasms in women at the early stages of development, the necessity to introduce midwives into the staffing list of family outpatient clinics is substantiated.
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