Type of attitude towards illness among military personnel undergoing rehabilitation as a factor in shaping the responsiveness of the healthcare system
healthcare system responsiveness, rehabilitation, military personnel, types of attitudes towards illness, disruption of psychological adaptationAbstract
In modern conditions, a key element in strengthening healthcare systems is focusing on patient needs and adequately responding to their requests. Special attention should be given to the responsiveness of the healthcare system to the needs of veterans undergoing rehabilitation, taking into account not only physical but also socio-psychological aspects of recovery. Purpose: to study the types of attitudes towards illness among military personnel undergoing rehabilitation in order to develop ways for the healthcare system to adequately respond to their non-clinical needs. Materials and methods. Conceptual modeling and psychodiagnostic methods were used to study the types of attitudes towards illness among 135 combatants undergoing rehabilitation. Among the 12 types of attitudes, a generalized response profile and the adaptive capacities of the patients were identified. The study was conducted in compliance with bioethical standards. The analysis of the obtained data was performed using descriptive and analytical biostatistics methods, implemented in Microsoft Excel (https://www. microsoft.com/microsoft-365/free-office-online-for-the-web) and R Commander (version 4.2.1 – https://www.R-project.org). Results. The study revealed that the majority of respondents showed signs of maladaptation to illness (67,41%) and mixed response types (62,96%), with ergopathic, hypochondriac, and dysphoric types predominating. This highlights the importance of implementing personalized approaches in the rehabilitation process, particularly by ensuring such elements of healthcare responsiveness as respect for dignity, proper communication, confidentiality, prompt service, choice of service providers, autonomy, and the quality of living conditions. Conclusions. Taking into account the types of attitudes towards illness among military personnel and adequately responding to their non-clinical needs can ensure a comprehensive approach to their physical and mental recovery and contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures.
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