Global economic changes and health status of the population




determinants of health, economic changes, war, survey, health care workers, length of service


Purpose. The study of the determinants of impact on public health at the state and interstate levels is becoming increasingly important. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of global economic changes on public health through a survey of healthcare providers. Materials and methods. The data from a survey of 389 healthcare workers using a questionnaire developed by the authors were used. The following methods were used: survey, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results. Results. The medical respondents’ assessment of the importance of such global factors as the war with its numerous human losses and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on humanity was decisive. At the same time, a high assessment of the impact of global economic changes indicates that they understand the problems of economic turmoil that affect public health. The analysis of respondents’ answers, taking into account their length of service in the healthcare system, showed significantly (p<0.001) higher levels of assessment of the impact of economic changes on health in all groups of respondents with up to 20 years of experience than those with more years of experience. Evaluation of the survey results, taking into account the length of service and the position held by the respondents, showed that medical staff with the same length of service in the health care system had a significantly higher rate of impact of economic changes on the health status of the population (3.05±0.13 vs. 2.16±0.16 points, p<0.001). This feature was not observed in the group of healthcare facility managers. The results of the assessment of the level of impact on public health of all global determinants identified for the survey, which are currently observed on a global scale, including global economic changes, showed a higher level of importance for the surveyed respondents with less medical experience. A significant difference in the assessment of global determinants was found in the group of respondents, which consisted of medical staff with less than 21 years of work experience. Conclusions. The impact of economic changes observed on a global scale on the state of public health is a leading global determinant of humanity. The younger medical staff assesses the importance of the impact of economic changes on the health status of the population to a greater extent. Assessing the level of impact of economic instability on public health will help to develop strategies to improve its condition globally.


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Public health