Modern approaches to improving the level of digital competence of medical education students




digital skills, nurses, professional pre-higher education, health care system


The aim of the article was to substantiate the need and determine the main directions for improving the level of digital competencies of students of professional pre-higher medical education to effectively work in modern healthcare system. Materials and methods. The analysis of legislative documents in the field of professional pre-higher medical education, which include the development of digital competencies by specialists in the health care system, was carried out, and 23 educational and professional programs and 23 medical informatics and information technology curricula from 11 institutions of professional pre-higher education were audited for compliance with the modern digital needs of the health care system. Using the Google forms tool, recommendations from 433 professional pre-higher medical education students and 26 teachers of medical informatics on optimizing the content of information technology disciplines were received. The following methods were used: bibliosemantic, statistical, system analysis and modeling. Results. The list of criteria for inclusion and exclusion of topics for updating and enriching the content of disciplines on the development of digital competencies required for work in the health care system is determined; updated thematic areas of information technology curricula for institutions of professional pre-higher medical education are presented, taking into account the areas and components of the Framework for Digital Competence of the Health Care Professional, recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Conclusions. The imbalance between the requirements of the modern health care system in terms of the level of digital skills of health care professionals and the existing content of information technology curricula in professional pre-higher medical education institutions has been identified. A methodology has been developed and the content of disciplines on the development of digital competencies and the use of information and communication technologies in health care for professional pre-higher medical education has been updated.


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Organization and management of health care