Tasks of territorial communities to ensure the health of the population





territorial communities, population, health, preservation and strengthening, provision, tasks


Objective: to study the possible tasks of territorial communities to ensure a high level of public health. Materials and methods. Materials: legislative framework of Ukraine on health care and local self-government, results of expert evaluation of 42 independent experts. The experts have no professional or personal ties to the authors of the study. Methods: bibliosemantic, of expert assessment, medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis. In the course of the study the confidentiality of information about respondents was preserved. Results. The tasks of territorial communities to ensure the preservation and strengthening of public health are strategic and are divided into five groups: organizational tasks; tasks to provide the population with medical care; tasks to create conditions for the preservation and promotion of health; tasks to ensure a healthy environment; tasks of a socio-economic nature. Each group of tasks is comprehensive and includes activities of a diverse nature. Solving certain tasks requires significant organizational activities and resources. Specific possible tasks of territorial communities to preserve and strengthen the health of the population received different but high levels of support from independent experts. Conclusions. The implementation of the tasks set for territorial communities will ensure a higher level of public health.


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Децентралізація в Україні [Інтернет]. створення спроможних громад – Децентралізація. Доступно на: https://decentralization.ua/news/tag/stvorennia-spromozhnykh-hromad?page=56

Про систему громадського здоров’я, Закон України № 2573-IX [Інтернет], 6 верес. 2022 (Україна). Доступно на: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2573-20#Text

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Organization and management of health care