The impact of the war against russian military aggression on the network and organizational structure of specialized oncological care in Ukraine




specialized oncological care, the network of institutions, organizational structure, Russian military aggression, war, impact


Objective: to study and analyze the impact of the war against Russian military aggression on the network and organizational structure of specialized oncological care in Ukraine. Materials and methods. Materials: data of sectoral statistical reporting of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the years 2020–2023. Processed statistical data from the territories controlled by Ukraine. Methods: bibliosemantic, medico-statistical, and of structural-and-logical analysis. Results. In general, the health care system of Ukraine has registered a decrease in the number of health care institutions with functioning hospital oncological and radiological beds, the number of radiological hospital beds and the number of oncology departments (offices) in health care institutions for the provision of outpatient oncological care and examination rooms with an increase of the indicator of provision with oncological hospital beds. The reduction of the network and organizational structure of specialized oncological care is related to the regions of active hostilities and territories close to them. Conclusions. The negative impact of the war against Russian military aggression on the network and organizational structure of specialized oncological care in Ukraine is shown.


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Organization and management of health care