Evaluation of the impact of the physical therapy program on the parameters of the myofascial pain syndrome and indicators of the functioning of the orofacial zone in patients with bruxism





physical therapy, rehabilitation in dentistry, maxillofacial diseases, bruxism


Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of the physical therapy program on the parameters of myofascial pain syndrome and indicators of functioning of the orofacial zone in patients with bruxism. Material and methods. The control group consisted of 32 people without burdened dental status. Group 1 consisted of 31 people with bruxism, which was corrected with individual splints. Group 2 consisted of 32 people with bruxism, in whom, in addition to the splints, a physical therapy program was applied (exercises, massage, post-isometric relaxation, kinesiological taping, transcutaneous electromyostimulation; autorelaxation sessions according to Schulz; patient’s education for three months). The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated by the dynamics of facial and neck tissue palpation, manual muscle testing, Jaw Functional Limitation Scale, Oral Health Impact Profile. Results. The physical therapy program demonstrated a statistically significantly better effect on the indicators of myofascial dysfunction (palpation results, manual muscle testing) and indicators of the functioning of the orofacial zone (Jaw Functional Limitation Scale, Oral Health Impact Profile.) compared to by a group of patients who used passive splint therapy. In patients who used only splints, an improvement in components of the myofascial pain syndrome in the masticatory and temporal muscles was determined, and the condition of the tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle slightly improved. Conclusions. Means of physical therapy improve the effectiveness of dental orthopedic interventions, therefore, it is advisable to use them to reduce the severity of pathological myofascial signs and improve the functioning of the orofacial zone in patients with bruxism.


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Physical therapy and rehabilitation