Dynamics of electromyographic research indicators in patients with the temporomandibular joint dysfunction under the influence of rehabilitation intervention





maxillofacial region, rehabilitation, physical therapy in dentistry, temporomandibular joint, joint dysfunction


Purpose. To determine the corrective effect of the rehabilitation intervention on the parameters of the electromyographic study in persons with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Materials and methods. 100 people were examined. The comparison group consisted of 35 people without burdened dental status. Group 1 consisted of 33 people with temporomandibular joint dysfunction, whose symptoms were corrected by individually mandibular splints. Group 2 consisted of 32 individuals with temporomandibular joint dysfunction who wore individual splints and underwent a three-month physical therapy program. It included therapeutic exercises with the OraStretch® Press System, exercises for the face, neck, cervical region, back, breathing exercises, relaxation exercises; massage course; electromyostimulation; proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; kinesiotaping; progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. The result was evaluated according to electromyography indicators. Results. The program of physical therapy against the background of the application of individual relieving splints demonstrated a statistically significantly better effect (р<0.05) on the studied electromyography indicators (reduction of the electrical activity of the masticatory and temporal muscles on the side of the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, reduction of their bioelectrical asymmetry, improvement of static stabilizing occlusion index) as a whole compared to the initial data and results of the group that corrected the temporomandibular joint dysfunction only with individual splints. Conclusions. Means of physical therapy improve the effectiveness of dental orthopedic interventions, therefore, it is advisable to use them to improve the electrical activity of the masticatory and temporal muscles in order to increase the effectiveness of correction, improve functioning in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction.


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Physical therapy and rehabilitation