Effectiveness of the educational component in physical therapy programs for patients with nonspecific back pain





rehabilitation, back pain, limitations in activities of daily living, educational components, patient education


Materials and Methods. We searched for scientific studies in Ukrainian in the Google Scholar library and searched for systematic reviews in English in the PubMed and Pedro libraries. We analyzed 4 systematic reviews that included 59 randomized controlled clinical trials. Results. Educational components in the treatment of nonspecific back pain are recommended as part of the first-line therapeutic approach to the treatment of acute, post-acute and chronic pain. The content and form of educational components may differ, which in turn may lead to different results of therapeutic intervention. The use of educational components separately from other methods of therapeutic intervention has a less effective impact on the patient’s condition and requires further study. In Ukraine, the effectiveness of the use of educational components in the treatment of patients with nonspecific low back pain has not been studied. Conclusions. Educational components in physical therapy programs for nonspecific back pain are effective, additional methods of therapeutic intervention. The content and form of educational components should be necessarily formed on the basis of the results of the assessment, taking into account the mechanisms of pain, individual characteristics of the patient, the influence of psychosocial factors and the risk of developing long-term low back pain.


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Physical therapy and rehabilitation