Effectiveness of correction of dental dysfunction and functional movement patterns in military personnel with the consequences of combat craniofacial trauma by means of physical therapy
physical therapy, traumatology, bone fracture, craniocerebral injury, dental dysfunctionAbstract
Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of the physical therapy program based on indicators of dental dysfunction and functional movement patterns in patients with combat craniofascial trauma. Material and methods. The control group consisted of 16 military personnel without injuries. The main group consisted of 14 with the consequences of craniofacial trauma. A one-month physical therapy program was developed for them, which included two blocks for the correction a fracture of the upper jaw (therapeutic exercises for the maxillofacial area, neck, breathing exercises, mobilization of the temporomandibular joint, kinesio taping, a gentle diet) and craniocerebral trauma (functional training on “Рrosedos” platforms, therapeutic exercises with TheraBand expanders). The effectiveness was assessed by the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale, Functional Movement Screen. Results. In patients with the consequences of craniofacial trauma, functional limitations of the orofacial area are determined – deterioration of chewing, mobility of the lower jaw, verbal and emotional communication (according to the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale), changes in the performance of basic movement patterns that require balance, strength, coordination abilities (according to the Functional Movement Screen). The complex rehabilitation program demonstrated a statistically significant improvement (p<0.05) of the investigated indicators of the functioning of the orofacial zone and basic functional motor patterns compared to the initial data (but the corresponding values of healthy individuals were not achieved, p>0.05). Conclusions. It is advisable to use physical therapy to improve the functioning of the orofacial zone and basic movement patterns in military personnel with the consequences of combat craniofacial trauma.
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