Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital named after I.I. Mechnykov from its foundation to the present day (1798-2014)
social medicine, public health, health care management, history, Mechnikov Hospital, Dnipropetrovsk Regional HospitalAbstract
Purpose: to investigate and analyze the emergence and development of the I.I. Mechnikov Regional Clinical Hospital (1798–2014), to identify its key periods, and to determine the role of the hospital in the development of the city, the region, and the country. Materials and methods: historical materials, including: monographs, publications of periodicals, press, author’s interviews, official resolutions, certificates and state reports. Bibliosemantic, descriptive and historical methods of data processing were applied. Results. The I.I. Mechnikov Hospital has an interesting history of its origin, development in constantly changing difficult circumstances and even more complicated modernity. Playing a key role in wars at all times, the hospital has decided the fate not only of individual patients, wounded, but also of entire countries, to a certain extent determining their future destiny. Conclusions. The I.I. Mechnikov Regional Clinical Hospital is the largest in the region, an outstanding hospital with a glorious history worthy to be studied. During its existence it has gone through a lot of difficulties, but this only hardened it, raising the level of health care development and provision of medical care. It was determined that the history of the hospital’s development corresponds to the history of the state of which it is a part. We also concluded that the hospital is an important and integral part of the life of Ukraine as a whole and of Dnipropetrovsk region now and throughout its history.
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