
  • S.V. Primak
  • O.V. Lyubinets
  • V.L. Novak




hematology, oncohematology, organization of medical care, Ukraine


The purpose of the work: establishing directions for improving the organization of medical care for patients with a hematological and oncohematological profile in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The material of the research was the acquired domestic experience in the organization of the activities of specialized hematological divisions of medical institutions and institutions in Ukraine. The following methods were used: bibliosemantic and systemic approach and analysis.
Results. Based on many years of experience in the health care system, a mechanism for improving the service of hematological (oncohematological) medical care for patients in Ukraine is proposed using a structural-process approach to the construction of an updated functional and organizational system of such specialized care with the need for implementation at the level of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, state administrations and executive bodies.
Conclusions. The analysis of the activities of Ukrainian health care institutions and facilities in which medical assistance is provided to patients with a hematological (oncohematological) profile indicates the need to update, taking into account the realities of today, the functional and organizational system of hematological (oncohematological) care to the population, and depending on the morbidity, prevalence, and mortality from this pathology in certain territories – the creation of regional medical programs. As a basis for the implementation of the proposed changes, it will be appropriate to use a structural-process approach to improving the quality and efficiency of medical care for patients with diseases of the blood, hematopoietic and lymphoid systems, which in turn will provide an opportunity to ensure the further development of hematology (oncohematology) in both scientific and practical directions.


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