children, hypermobility of joints, musculoskeletal system, posture disorders, flat feet, dolichostenomiliaAbstract
Purpose of the study. The find morphological phenotypic changes of the musculoskeletal system of children 4-6 years with different degrees of hypermobility of joints.
Materials and methods. Examined 446 children from four to six years. We copied the data of a comprehensive medical examination. The evaluated the hypermobility of the joints. Anthropometric examination of children was included and morphological manifestations of dolichostenomilia were assessed. The method of podometry was used to control the condition of the arch of the foot of children with hypermobility of the joints.
Results. Children with joint hypermobility have growth disproportion. Kyphotic posture was diagnosed in 46% of children, scoliotic posture was found in 36% of children with a pronounced degree of hypermobility. It was determined that flat feet are manifested with severe hypermobility, and dental anomalies were diagnosed in 59% of the contingent.
Of the phenotypic manifestations of dolichostenomilia, the largest number of cases – 12% were disharmonious ratios of hand length and 13% of the foot relative to body length. 5% of children with articular manifestations had a violation of the proportions of the upper and lower body segments.
Conclusions. Characteristic phenotypic signs of dysplastic lesions have been established. The determined tendency of children to disproportionate development of the musculoskeletal system against the background of hypermobility of joints is confirmed. These facts are the basis for the development of methods of health and preventive measures.
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