
  • N.V. Kharchenko



public health, epidemiological, informational, professional, conceptual, political, distributive


The aim. Public health must be constantly on the move, as both threats and potential responses to these threats change.
Materials and methods. The theoretical scientific method was used. The object of research is the context of public health: epidemiological, informational, professional, conceptual, political, distributive.
Results. The article highlights the trends in public health in six areas: epidemiological, informational, professional, conceptual, political, distributive. The epidemiological transition is described by classical, accelerated and delayed models. It has been proven that any reduction in public health opportunities can lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Public health can benefit from a significant increase in the availability of information about how people live their daily lives. However, the same information can also be used to the detriment of public health. A modern approach to public health requires people with a wide range of skills in many different disciplines. Healthcare has traditionally been concerned about the immediate causes of disease. Public health, with its belief in the collective action of society, is fundamentally political. In Ukraine, the state of public health remains unsatisfactory, which requires an urgent solution to current problems of the industry, improving the organization and improving its activities.
Public health must be constantly on the move, as both threats and potential responses to these threats change. It identifies trends in six broad areas:
Epidemiological: new diseases are emerging, as well as the emergence of those diseases that seemed to have been eradicated, a global epidemic of noncommunicable diseases. There is a change in disease patterns.
Informational: manifested in obtaining data from many different sources, such as social media, which are increasingly using data that threatens the health of the population. Thus, the computing power is significantly increased.
Professional: Strengthen the adoption of a multidisciplinary approach to public health instead of the traditional model of medical dominance.
Conceptual: Identify the negative impact of multinational corporations selling tobacco, alcohol and energy-saving food, which is driving a global epidemic of noncommunicable diseases, ie the growing recognition of the importance of health factors and their role in growing morbidity.
Political: changing beliefs about the relationship between man and the state.
Distributive: the increase in health benefits in Europe since the 1960s, which is only now beginning to improve, albeit slowly.
Conclusions. In Ukraine, the state of public health remains unsatisfactory, which requires an urgent solution to current problems of the industry, improving the organization and improving its activities.


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