palliative competence of nurses, professional readiness of nurses, palliative sedation, spiritual developmentAbstract
The purpose: the analysis of problems of palliative and hospice care and palliative competence of a nurse particularly, theoretical rationale of approaches to the study of professional readiness of a nurse in the palliative field.
Materials and methods. The results of analysis of domestic and foreign experience of the study a problem of palliative competence of a nurse served as the materials. The theoretical methods (analysis, comparison, synthesis, systematization, classification, generalization) are a development work of up-to-date psychological and pedagogical and medical literature for a matching of various views on the problem under study, analytical and bibliographical, a review of theoretical questions with the aim of determination the conceptual and categorical apparatus. Theoretical and methodological studies are called for a contribution for a maximum qualitative theme disclosing and able to become a base for a creation of the further scientific development within this theme.
Results. After the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem, the palliative competence of a nurse is characterized as an integrative quality of highly-motivated personality that determines a complex of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, professional and personal features that provide an internal readiness to realize the palliative activity. The level of spiritual development, motivation and communicative competence has a particular importance in the activity of a nurse.
Conclusions. The approaches to the study of professional readiness in the palliative field were analyzed, the necessity to develop a professional readiness of a nurse with learning in HEI, the development of the following competences: special, educational, informative, social and health preserving were shown. The questions of moral problems also need to be highlighted and formed as the components of professional readiness of a nurse, a spiritual development and spiritual health of nurses can have an influence on the attitude to the palliative patients and their health.
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