
  • I.A. Klymenko
  • O.K. Tolstanov




patients, doctors, multidisciplinary team, interdisciplinary approach, evaluation criteria


The purpose of the research: to evaluate the effectiveness of interdisciplinary interaction (on the example of multidisciplinary teams that provide medical care to patients with thyroid pathology that requires surgical treatment).
Materials and methods: 84 completed forms of the adapted Ukrainian version of the questionnaire "Team Effectiveness Questionnaire" of participants of interdisciplinary teams of the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "Kyiv City Clinical Endocrinology Center"; methods: sociological, medical-statistical, analytical.
Results. Doctors of all specialties and structural units of the institution, which was the basis of the study, were participants in the survey. Among the 84 respondents, there were 28 males, or 33.3%, and 56 females, or 66.7%. The average age of the respondents was 43.0±10.4 years; with the highest category in the specialty there were 57 doctors (68.0% of the total number of respondents), with the first – 12 (14.0%), with the second – 5 (6.0%). There were no categories of 10 doctors (12.0% of all respondents). The general assessment of the effectiveness of interdisciplinary interaction in teams on a 5-point scale was 2.8± 0.6 points, in particular, the purpose and objectives of the activity – 2.6±0.8 points, the role of participants – 3.1±0.5 points, processes to achieve goals – 2.9±0.7 points, team relationships – 3.3±0.7 points, relationships with colleagues outside the institution – 2.3±0.6 points, the ability to solve problems – 2, 8±0.6 points, enthusiasm and devotion – 2.6±0.7 points, skills and training – 3.1±0.7 points.
Conclusions: interdisciplinary interaction of specialists "Kyiv City Clinical Endocrinology Center" needs to improve and further support its functioning in order to improve the provision of surgical care to patients with thyroid pathology.


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