
  • I. Ogorodniychuk
  • V. Yakymets
  • G. Slabkiy
  • S. Morgun
  • О. Nakonechna



servicemen, morbidity, human immunodeficiency virus, socially dangerous diseases


The objective. To reveal the features of the incidence of HIV/AIDS among servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in different regions of responsibility.
Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, data on the incidence and measures to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS for the period from 10/01/2019 to 12/31/2019 in the regions of responsibility of health care facilities in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were studied, systematized and analyzed. The statistical method and the method of epidemiological analysis were used.
Results. Given the epidemic situation with the spread of socially dangerous infections in Ukraine, namely infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), including among servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), and recognizing the potential negative impact of military conflicts on situation and increasing risks of infection of servicemen, Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the Medical Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine together with the International NGO "International Institute of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis" continues to implement an effective strategy to combat socially dangerous infections among personnel of Ukraine.
One of the ways to achieve the above goals is to make the military aware of the risks of infection and to improve the system of early active detection of socially dangerous infections.
As a result, data on the incidence and measures to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in the regions of responsibility of the Military Clinical Medical Centers were studied and analyzed.
Conclusions. The study found that during the reporting period in the regions of responsibility of health care facilities in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were tested for HIV 1628 people, of whom 37 cases of HIV/AIDS. 529 people were consulted in the office of voluntary counseling and testing.
To improve and modernize the work of military prevention medicine, improve knowledge about the epidemic situation of HIV infection and improve ways to prevent infection and eliminate the disease, it is necessary to actively identify high-risk groups among the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to establish trust and relations between doctors. increase the percentage of truthful answers, conduct in-depth health education on possible ways of infection, clinical picture and possible consequences of socially dangerous infections.


Конституція України, ст. 49.

Сергеєва Т.А. Епідеміологічні аспекти соціально значущих інфекцій / Т.А. Сергеєва, Ю.В. Круглов, О.В. Максименок, О.М. Кислих, В.А. Марциновська // Клінічна імунологія. Алергологія. Інфектологія. – 2016. – № 4 (93).

Закон України «Про запобігання захворюванню на синдром набутого імунодефіциту (СНІД) та соціальний захист населення».

