unified medical space, healthcare system, organization of medical supportAbstract
Purpose – to analyze the basic principles of the formation of promising ways of a unified medical space and their significance in the process of reforming the healthcare system in the country.
Materials and methods. The study used the experience of creating a single medical space of the developed countries of the world, regulatory documents of Ukraine, scientific publications on the formation of a single medical space in our country in the context of reforming the healthcare system, conducting a hybrid war and in the process of eliminating the consequences of natural, man-made and social emergencies character.
The object of the study is the basic regulatory framework for reforming the healthcare system tskyin peacetime and in the conduct of hybrid warfare.
The subject of the study is the organization of medical support for the population and military personnel in today’s conditions and military operations.
Research methods – a systematic approach, analytical, bibliosemantic.
Results. Identification of promising ways to reform the health care system with a scientific search and justification of optimal approaches for the effective and rational use of available medical forces and means.
Conclusions. The unified medical space is a comprehensively balanced system of delivering health, which, based on the introduction of advanced world experience aimed at the optimal use of forces and means, is able to fulfill its intended purpose in peacetime and wartime. The above is achieved through the effective and rational use of innovative medical technologies and the capabilities of departmental and all forms of ownership of health care institutions to provide the state with the citizens of Ukraine the provision of timely, affordable, high-quality and full amount of all types of medical care.
The completion of the creation of a single medical space is an urgent and urgent problem of the development and formation of a modern effective national health care system.
The military medical doctrine of Ukraine is a tool for the formation of military health care and its involvement in the national system of national health care on the basis of a single medical space.
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