health creativity, summer children’s health centers, childrenAbstract
Purpose of the study. Justification of the paradigm of health creativity in summer children’s health centers.
Materials and methods. We used the data of our previous studies and analyzed the literature data on the problems of improving the health of the child population. A complex of methods of a systematic approach and conceptual modeling is applied. With the help of a hygienic experiment, the effectiveness of children’s health improvement in the summer children’s health center has been determined. 69 boys aged 9-10 were examined at the beginning and at the end of the shift. Anthropometric indicators, physical (bicycle ergometry), mental performance (correction test), motor qualities, vitamin status were studied.
Results. Based on the analysis and generalization of research results, scientific literature data, the paradigm of health creativity in summer children’s health centers was substantiated on the basis of disease prevention, medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation measures. The main principles of which are the organic unity of recreation and health improvement of children, a differentiated approach taking into account the nature of the course of the disease, an increase in the degree of resistance of the body, a combination of various types of health-forming technologies. Approbation of the recommended technologies of health-creativity allowed to obtain a positive medical and social effect (improvement of physical and mental performance, vitamin status and motor qualities).
Conclusions. Negative trends in the health status of the child population against the background of a significant reduction in the provision of children with hospital beds dictate the need to increase the efficiency of their summer recovery. Climatotherapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, dietary nutrition, physiotherapy exercises are components of the paradigm of health creativity in summer children’s health centers. Possible changes in the proposed health-forming technologies in the summer children’s health center have been identified, which contributed to an increase in the level of individual health (physical and mental performance, motor qualities, vitamin status).
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