readiness, professional training, deontology, deontological readiness, professional behavior, competenciesAbstract
The purpose of the work is to determine the essence of the concept of deontological readiness of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy to carry out professional activities and theoretical substantiation of its content. Materials and methods. The object of research is the deontological readiness of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy for professional activities. The following methods were used in our study: methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of psychological and pedagogical, specialized scientific and methodological literature and regulatory framework in the direction of professional training and features of work of physical therapists, occupational therapists; terminological analysis to determine the content and essence of the basic concepts of the chosen direction of research. Results. The leading place in solving the issues of development, restoration and compensation of disturbed mental, cognitive, motor, neuromuscular, and other functions of the body, which reduce the quality of human life and limit its functional independence, belongs to specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy. In this case, the activity itself is carried out in close cooperation between all objects of the professional environment of different hierarchical levels. Collectively, this requires the future specialist to master not only the clinical and organizational and methodological knowledge, but also the legal aspects of moral and ethical behavior, which must be observed in the performance of their professional duties. Mastering such knowledge and skills to implement them is currently one of the components of professional training of these professionals in the course of educational activities. The article reveals the content of the concept of deontological readiness of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy to carry out professional activities. Deontological training is considered by us as a purposeful, specially organized and managed pedagogical process aimed at the acquisition by physical therapists, occupational therapists of deontological knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities to adhere to proper regulatory behavior in the implementation of various professional activities. The result of deontological training is deontological readiness of future specialists, which we consider as "a dynamic state of personality, which allows you to independently carry out current legal professional behavior in the performance of professional duties and find ways to solve professional problems and problems in working with all subjects." objects of future employment, and is formed during the acquisition of relevant professional-oriented knowledge of legal, psychological, pedagogical and clinical nature. It is established that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during training, as well as professionally important personality traits constitute the content of deontological readiness of a physical therapist, occupational therapist. Prospects for further research are to substantiate the structure of the formation of deontological readiness of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy to carry out professional activities.
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