respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, children of primary school ageAbstract
Aim of the study: to evaluate the effect of aqua aerobics on the functional state of the respiratory system and exercise tolerance, in young schoolchildren with chronic bronchitis in remission.
Object and methods. In the course of the analysis of medical histories we used data from children (n = 109), who were sent and received for sanatorium-resort treatment to the sanatorium "Malatko" (Uzhhorod), diagnosed with "chronic bronchitis".
The use of a spirographic method of study allowed us to obtain data on volumetric indicators that reflect the functionality of the respiratory system.
Results. The spirographic study was limited to one test to diagnose the type and extent of ventilatory disorders: conducting a lung capacity test (VCL).
Data presented reflect the state of the respiratory system of children with HB before and after aqua aerobics classes. Significant differences between the indicators before and after the classes were established for VCL (p<0.01), Eud (p<0.01) and ROV (p<0.01).
Aqua aerobics classes positively influenced the function of external respiration, which is confirmed by a significant increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, and accordingly its components, in all indicators.
The value of VCL after the session increased by 12.41% to 90.35±1.67%. This indicates the effectiveness of aqua aerobics in young schoolchildren with chronic bronchitis, the presence in these children of reserves of the function of external respiration, which can be activated by means of physical rehabilitation. Therefore, it should be noted that the use of exercise in water, and their use leads to an increase in the rate of VLDL in children.
A similar analysis was conducted with the values of Eud and ROvid indicators. The breath capacity was significantly different when compared to and after aqua aerobics classes. The EWD indicator increased after the course by 11.60% to 96.43±2.29%. It follows that the increase in Eud was higher after graduation, which in turn indicates a good reversal of the decline and the presence of significant reserves.
The following dynamics of the ROI index were detected. Prior to the classes, the ROAD index was 67.38±2.31%. In this way, aqua aerobics classes have had a positive effect on increasing the exhalation reserve in young schoolchildren with recurrent bronchitis.
Conclusions. The results of the analysis of the dynamics of the investigated parameters confirm that in children with chronic bronchitis in remission, the courts engaged in aqua aerobics, there were positive changes in the main volume indices of spirography.
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