
  • L.O. Brodetska




retained teeth, permanent bite, removable bite, multidisciplinary approach, orthodontic treatment


Purpose: to increase the efficiency of orthodontic treatment of retained teeth with a lack of space in the dentition, through a multidisciplinary substantiation of diagnostic and therapeutic measures based on the study of the molecular mechanisms of bone remodeling disorders in the processes of teething and the differentiated use of orthodontic forces depending on the type of bite.
Object and research methods. Examined (by clinical and radiological methods) and treated 109 patients aged 9-35 years with retained teeth with a lack of space in the dentition (62 in a removable bite, 47 in a permanent). 20 patients were assessed for the state of the cytokine system in the bone tissue of the alveolar bone. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using computer programs MS Exel and Origin. Results. According to x-ray studies, the fangs most often were fangs with a depth of up to 7 mm and displacement in the sagittal direction and an inclination angle of more than 10 °. Investigation of the mechanisms of tooth eruption disorders – the study of the state of the RANKL/RANK/OPG cytokine system and the NF-ΚB transcription factor in patients with tooth retention showed a 1.75-fold increase in RANK, which indicates the accumulation of osteoclastic precursors in the retention zone. This will allow the effective use of mechanical forces to move the teeth. A diagnostic and treatment package has been developed for patients with retarded teeth with a lack of space in the dentition, depending on the period of occlusion, which consists of the following blocks: motivational, diagnostic and therapeutic. Conclusions. A multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment package has been developed and implemented for patients with retained teeth with insufficient space in the dentition, based on the determination of clinical and radiological characteristics, molecular mechanisms of bone remodeling disorders, strength and method of applying orthodontic efforts; its use significantly reduces the time and increases the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment of patients with retarded teeth, and in a removable bite, the treatment time is 1.7 times faster than in a permanent one.


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