
  • I.S. Myronyuk
  • K.V. Babych
  • N.I. Potokiy



myopia, children’s population, morbidity and prevalence


Purpose – to assess the tendencies of changes in morbidity and prevalence of the group of visual organs diseases, in particular, myopia, among the children's population of Transcarpathian region during the period of the years 2011-2018.
Materials and methods. The materials of the research presented the industry's regional reporting on indicators of morbidity and prevalence of diseases in the context of separate nosological units among the population of different age groups in Transcarpathian region for the period of the years 2011-2018. Research methods: of content analysis of the available data of research results and of structural-and-logical analysis.
Results and their discussion. The prevalence of all the nosological units of the group "Eye and the Appendage Diseases" among the children's population of Transcarpathian region in the period from 2011 to 2018 years has not changed significantly, although there is a tendency to decrease.
At the same time, the prevalence of myopia in this age group of the population in the selected period of the study showed a tendency to continuous growth – by almost 21% in 2018 compared to 2011. The analysis of the relative incidence of children's morbidity in Transcarpathian region on eye and the appendage diseases during the years 2011-2018 shows a tendency to decrease: in 2011 the incidence of this group of diseases amounted to 40.75 cases per 1000 children's population, and in 2018 it amounted, respectively, 35.51. The opposite situation is observed in relation to the similar incidence of myopia: in 2018, the relative incidence of myopia among children in the region has increased by 13.4% compared to 2011.
Conclusions: on the background of stable in recent years situation as for morbidity and prevalence in the group “Eye and the appendage diseases” among the children's population of the region there is an increase in myopia incidence rates and prevalence.
This phenomenon may be due to negative consequences of the impact of excessive use of information technologies among children's population.


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