physical therapy; ergotherapy; readiness; structure of readiness; readiness components; criteria; Indexes; cognitive criteria; theoretical knowledge; testingAbstract
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the content of the congenital content component of the readiness of future bachelors in physical therapy and ergotherapy to the application of physical and recreational technologies in professional activity, to define criteria, indicators and methods of assessing the level of fitness for a particular type of readiness.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted at the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, Kamyanets-Podilsky National University. Ivan Ogienko, National University "Chernihiv College" them. TG Shevchenko, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Uzhgorod National University, to which 4 5 courses of the specialty "Physical therapy, ergotherapy" (physical rehabilitation) were involved. To achieve this goal, we used the following research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological and specialized scientific and methodological literature in order to study the problem of future health professionals’ readiness; structural analysis for the development of the readiness structure and substantiation of the content of the contingent content component of the readiness of future bachelors in physical therapy, ergotherapy for the application of fitness and health technologies in professional activity; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and discussion. Training of specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy for the professional performance of professional functions in the direction of improving the level of health, compensation of functional disorders, prevention of motor dysfunction of the person by means of physical and health technologies has been and remains an urgent problem. Taking into account the sphere and peculiarities of practical activity of specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy, the article reveals the essence of the congressive-content component of readiness, which outlines the professional and professional knowledge of the future specialist in the direction of the use of physical and health technologies in the performance of professional professions and decisions. The criterion of the contingent-content component is the theoretical criterion, which reflects the level of formation of relevant knowledge in terms of volume, quality, practical orientation, compliance with the qualification requirements of a specialist in physical therapy, ergotherapy. According to the criteria and indicators, a diagnostic tool was selected to assess the quality of knowledge and determine the levels of preparedness of future bachelors in physical therapy, ergotherapy for the use of physical and health technologies by the selected component. Assessment of the level of knowledge development was carried out with the help of our developed test tasks, the content of which was aimed at clarifying knowledge of the theory and methods of application of physical and health technologies in the field of physical therapy (rehabilitation) activity and other related disciplines, combined with interdisciplinary.
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