
  • M. Popovičová
  • D. Barkasi



nurse, mental ballast, physical ballast, nursing care


The aim of the research is to contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the psychological ballast of nurses in connection with the provision of nursing care in inpatient wards.
Research file and aim of the research. The research file consisted of 102 nurses working in hospital wards. We investigated whether the feeling of time pressure and high responsibility at work are the cause of the psychological ballast on the nurses. We examined whether excessive mental stress in nurses felt tired, nervous, and also whether it was the cause of reduced performance in nurses and the occurrence of frequent problems and conflicts.
Methods. The evaluation was based on Meister's questionnaire and we found out the significance of differences in questions that include individual factors. We used the tools of inductive statistics Spearman's correlation coefficient and Pearson's chi-square to verify the hypotheses. We make a decision on the significance of differences based on the calculated value and the significance level of 0.05.
Results. The analysis found that time pressure is the cause of mental stress. Our research also shows that excessive mental stress causes fatigue and nervousness in nurses and is the cause of reduced performance in nurses and the occurrence of common problems and conflicts.
Conclusions. The work of a nurse is one of the most demanding occupations. Its main task is nursing care for the sick. Nurses working at the patient's bedside have a particularly important place. Therefore, it is essential to provide nurses with a healthy work environment, as excessive workload and stress accompany them on a daily basis and can result in burnout.


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