
  • М. Popovičová
  • М. Belovičová



information communication technologies, eHealth, healthcare electronization


Modern information technologies penetrate all the structures of society, their importance and implementation in society will grow. Information technology also influences the further development of healthcare, the emerging information society and information technology are gradually changing the nature of the medical care provided. For many, their use is beneficial in terms of saving time and ease of accessibility.
Results. In this article, we focused on introducing the e-health system in healthcare in the Slovak Republic. The health information system requires the good preparedness of all health workers. Thanks to the informatization of healthcare, healthcare can be improved and optimized not only in Slovakia, but throughout Europe.
Conclusions. We cannot avoid the electronization of society. For this reason, it is important to constantly study in the field of health information technology and, thus, contribute to improving patient care.


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