outpatient care, qualification, organizational, information factors, patients, healthy persons, surveysAbstract
The actuality of the work is determined by the need to assess the satisfaction and accessibility of primary care to the population of Ukraine at the current stage of decentralization with administrative and territorial transformations and putting into practice the principles of its reform. The stated purpose of the study was to identify the reserves of its improvement at the level of creation of united territorial communities. A sociological survey of 410 patients (250) and healthy (160) was conducted. Outpatient care was characterized by qualification, organizational and information factors on a 7-point scale. For each of them the peculiarities in the section of these classes of the population are traced. Against the background of sufficient satisfaction, its declining gradual tendency for the listed components crystallizes out (6.1±0.3; 5.1±0.2 and 4.8±0.2 points). The percentage of men dissatisfied with qualification and information factors is significantly higher than women, organizationally – every fifth, fourth respectively. Inhabitants of rural areas – men are more often dissatisfied with all three factors, and in urban – women. Satisfaction rates are likely to decline with education and increase with age. The reasons for dissatisfaction were identified by some factors, among which is information instructive work. As a result, 69.3% supported the creation of united territorial communities and 62.7% – the medical reform. There are identified problematic issues, the solution of which will contribute to the provision of quality expected medical services to the population of Ukraine. They are also motivated by the need to improve the PHC model.
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