
  • O.V. Klitynska
  • A.V. Stishkovskyy
  • N.V. Hasiuk



prevalence and intensity of caries, children, elementary school age, periodontal tissue diseases


The aim of the study. Determination of the level of dental health among children living under conditions of biogeochemically deficient trace elements during the eruption and mineralization of the first permanent molars.
Object and research methods. The dental status of 73 first-grade pupils of Uzhhorod secondary schools was assessed. Group 1 consisted of 28 children (53.6% – 15 boys and 46.4% – 13 girls), 6-7 years of pupils of Uzhhorod secondary schools who had one pathology verified (COPD = 1), group 2 included 25 children (48.0% – 12 boys and 52.0% – 13 girls) with two pathologies verified (COPD = 2), 3rd group included 20 children (50.0% – 10 boys and 50.0% – 10 girls) who had three pathologies (COPD = 3) were not considered for COPD>3. The comparison control group consisted of 26 healthy children of the same age. Dental morbidity indices were determined according to generally accepted criteria and comparisons were made with those of the control group. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using conventional methods of mathematical statistics with determination of mean value, mean square deviation, error of mean value, reliability of compared values with determination of parametric and non-parametric criteria.
The examination and treatment of children were conducted in the dental offices of the clinical base of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Uzhhorod National University. All the children attended secondary schools. Work was started after informed consent of the children and their parents to participate
in the study.
Results. When establishing the dental health status, 73 children aged 6-7, who are permanently living in conditions of biogeochemical deficiency of fluorine and iodine, are residents of the city of Uzhhorod, and are enrolled in the first grades of secondary schools. The comparison control group consisted of 26 healthy children of the same age, residents of Uzhhorod. Work was started after informed consent of the children and their parents to participate in the study. Among children of the main group, the rate of burden with somatic pathology was determined and was divided into three subgroups depending on the indicators. Group 1 consisted of 28 children (53.6% – 15 boys and 46.4% – 13 girls), 6-7 years of students of Uzhhorod secondary schools who had one pathology verified (COPD = 1), group 2 included 25 children (48.0% – 12 boys and 52.0% – 13 girls) with two pathologies verified (COPD = 2), 3rd group included 20 children (50.0% – 10 boys and 50.0% – 10 girls) who had three pathologies (COPD = 3) were not considered for COPD>3.
When assessing the prevalence and intensity of caries in the examined children, it was found that the caries prevalence was significantly higher among children of the clinical groups compared to the control group of somatically healthy children (88.6±5.60; 93.2±3.80; 96.4±1,98; 65.3±2.89; p<0.05). The rates of caries intensity were significantly higher among children with more than two somatic pathologies (8.6±0.23; 14.8±0.18; 4.1±0.23; p<0.05).
Analysis of the structure of the intersection of CSR+CP among examined children revealed significantly higher rates of temporary dental caries in children of clinical groups (3.1±0.13; 3.7±0.05; 5.2±0.16; 1.1±0.01; p<0.05) and fulltooth permanent teeth (0.5±0.01; 1.1±0.01; 2.6±0.11; 0.2±0.01; p<0.05) compared with the control group of healthy children. The rates of sealed and removed temporary teeth and carious permanent teeth were not significantly different among
patients with the same pathology and in the control group (p>0.05). The number of carious permanent teeth in patients of the second and third groups differed significantly (1.9±0.23; 3.4±0.12; 0.4±0.01; p<0.01). When evaluating the degree of caries activity among children of the clinical groups, it was found that 17 children (65.4±0.51%) of the control group had no caries, and 9 children (34.6±0.21%) caries were compensated that significantly different from the indicators of the main groups, where the highest percentage of decompensated caries was among children of group 3 – 45,0±3,1%, lower – in the second group – 32,0±2,33%, and quite high in the first group – 25,0±2.18%. The subcompensated degree of caries activity was quite high in all clinical groups (39.3±1.23%; 36.0±3.61%; 35.0±1.92%).
The mean values of OHI-S index among children of the main groups were significantly different from those of the control group (1.8±0.45 points (p<0.05); 2.84±0.13 points; 3.00±0.18 points; р<0.01); in control children (1.2±0.35 points). The values of Fedorova-Volodkina index significantly exceeded the values of this index among children of the control group (1.73±0.73 points; 2.62±0.35 points; 3.53±0.21 points; 1.42±0.16 points; p<0,05).
The PMA index in the clinical groups of children was significantly higher compared to healthy children (14±0.84%; 45.0±1.2%; 54.3±1.39%; p<0.05). The highest PMA indexes were in the third group of children who had three general somatic pathologies (54.3±1.39%).
Conclusions. In the analysis of caries incidence among children during the eruption and mineralization of the first permanent molars at different degrees of caries activity, taking into account the regional features of the Transcarpathian region, significantly higher prevalence and intensity of caries, hygiene level and presence of gingival inflammation according to index groups pathologies compared with the control group of somatically healthy children (p<0.05). The worst situation was detected in the third group where children had three general somatic pathologies, which proves the direct dependence of somatic and dental health among these children.


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