primary school-aged children, postural disorders, autonomic reactivity, adaptive potentialAbstract
In order to optimize the creation of physical therapy programs for primary school-aged children with postural disorders, the functional state of the autonomic nervous system was studied and the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system was determined.
The gender features of the autonomic reactivity of primary school-aged children with postural disorders were revealed. It was found that vegetative imbalance with sympathicotonia predominance in both boys with Kerdo vegetative index (30±1.46) conventional units, and girls (33.2±2.2) conventional unitswas prevalentat rest in 73.3% of boys and 52.2% of girls. It was found out that 54.9% of students had deviations from normal autonomic reactivity indices with pathological options formation: hypersympathicotonic and asympathicotonic.
When studying the autonomic reactivity depending on the initial autonomic tone, it turned out that the normal reaction was more typical for children with eutonia; with sympathocotonia, the eutonictype of response to an orthostatic test was observed 6.4 times less frequent. For children with a sympathicotonic initial vegetative tone, on the contrary, hypersympathicotonic BB type was more typical, which was observed 3.7 times more often than in the initial eutonia.
The correlation between the pathological types of ANS response and the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system testifies to the tension of adaptive mechanisms against the decrease in the reserve capacity of vegetative regulation. The results obtained should be taken into account when developing physical therapy programs for primary school-aged children with postural disorders.
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