
  • T.Е. Odynets



breast cancer, cardiovascular system, women, postmastectomy syndrome, heart rate variability


Purpose: to determine the features of heart rate variability in women with postmastectomy syndrome with various levels of the functional state of the cardiovascular system.
Object and research methods. The object of the study was 115 women with postmastectomy syndrome, the average age of the patients was 60.27±0.79 years. According to the degree of tumor process I, II-a and II-b stages were diagnosed (Т1-2N0-1М0) in women; all patients underwent adjuvant radiation therapy. The following research methods were used in the manuscripts: analysis of literary sources and empirical data; thoracic rheography; heart rate variability analysis; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. The majority of women with postmastectomy syndrome had an average (38% of women) and below average (34% of women) level of the functional state of the cardiovascular system. TP in women with an average level of the functional state of the cardiovascular system was higher by 150.14 ms2 (p<0.05) than in low level, parasympathetic regulation (RMSSD) was higher by 5.83 ms (p<0.05); power in the high frequency range (HF) higher by by 114.33 ms2 (p<0.01). Indicators of regulatory system tension (Amo) and stress index (Si) were lower in women with an average level compared to a low level by 5.70% (p<0.05) and 63.98 c.u (p<0.05).
Conclusions. Obtained features of heart rate variability in women are the basis for choosing priority means of physical rehabilitation during developing a program for the rehabilitation of women with postmastectomy syndrome with various levels of the functional state of the cardiovascular system.


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