recreation, recreational activities, population, leisure, recoveryAbstract
The article presents the results of a study conducted to outline the actual problems of recreational activities of the Ukraine population in places of residence and to present its modern exemplary structural and functional model. The object of the study is the recreational activities of the population as a direction of their active leisure, physical education and recovery. In the course of the study, the following methods were using: literature analysis, monitoring the work of establishments of the recreational industry, and the method of pedagogical modeling.
The main problems of the recreational industry in Ukraine are: poor infrastructure development, especially in rural areas, outdated material base of most state and public institutions and organizations, inconsistency of the content and quality of recreational services of interest and people’s expectations. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to implement a new structural and functional model of recreational activity organization. Such a model includes several structural and functional levels. The first structural level reflects the structure of recreational activity management at the local government level. The main subjects of the model at this level is the executive committees of local councils in cities, towns, villages and their subdivisions. They form fundamentally new structures – centers of wellness and recreational work with the population in places of residence. These centers will serve the primary function of providing as many local residents with recreational services as possible. The second structural level reflects the structure of activity of the main subjects of provision of recreational services in places of residence and in the territories of local communities. Directly recreational services are provided by health and sports organizations of various types and orientations (sports clubs, fitness centers, gyms, tourist, water, ski and other similar clubs), health and recreational camps and bases (boarding houses, health and sports facilities and camps, tourist bases, etc.), permanent health and fitness groups. The third structural level reflects the subjects of the territorial organization of recreational activities in places of residence. These are mainly sports facilities and places of mass leisure.
The first functional level of the model reflects the general functions of the subdivisions of the executive committees of local self-government bodies, as well as the centers of wellness and recreational work with the population. These are the formation of the regulatory framework, the establishment of social interaction, the care of the material base of sports facilities, the training of specialists, as well as the functions of planning, organizing, regulating recreational activities. The second functional level reflects the different types and forms of recreational activities. The third functional level of the model reflects the criteria for the efficiency of recreational activity of the population and work of subjects of the organization of mass recreation (the involvement of large numbers of people, the quality of recreational services, the rationality and efficiency of using available resources).
According to our findings, the organization of recreational work in places of residence requires updating and further development of the infrastructure of recreational industry, improving the level of accessibility and quality of recreational services, planning recreational activities based on the analysis of needs and interests of representatives of different categories of population. For this purpose it is necessary to implement a model of recreational activities, which clearly reflects the different levels of model structural and functional construction of recreational work in an urban neighborhood, using in this work of various bodies and structures, organizations and institutions, forms of recreational activities and mass events, places of their conduct. etc.
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