reproductive health, men, women, gender equalityAbstract
Purpose of the study to study gender equality in reproductive health care and to analyze individual reproductive health indicators for men and women.
Object and Methods of Research. The object of the study was reproductive health indicators and the reproductive health regulatory framework. The study used bibliosemantic and statistical methods.
Results and Discussion. The current state of reproductive health of both men and women is characterized by a number of problems. Among the leading positions are diseases of the genital area of women and men, sexually transmitted infections, abortion in women, infertility, etc.
During the years 2013-2017, there was a decrease in the incidence and prevalence of gynecological diseases among women 18 years and older, with the exception of endometriosis and menstrual disorders, an increase of 14.29% and 3.48%, respectively. Men had a decrease in the incidence and prevalence of prostate diseases, including prostate hyperplasia. Currently, the incidence rates have fallen by 8.75% and 9.46% respectively, and the prevalence by 2.7% and 3.53% respectively.
Infertility is an indicator of reproductive health and the health system. In women it is registered 4-4.5 times more often than in men.
The realization of the reproductive rights of women and men is to ensure that the state has free access to reproductive and sexual health services as well as family planning. At the same time, there is virtually an advantage in women’s opportunities, such as the advanced structure of the industry, the availability of a number of targeted national and international reproductive health programs, and the like. There are gaps in the domestic legal framework on reproductive and sexual health issues; a flawed network of health care facilities that provide health services and, in the main, no specialist in men’s reproductive health.
Conclusions. In national legislation and sectoral health programs, reproductive health issues are addressed through the lens of women’s needs. Whereas men’s problems are not taken into account, despite the fact that men are equal participants in the reproductive process. The study revealed the imperfection of the organization of reproductive health services for men, which is the absence of specialized specialists (andrologists) and specialized treatment and preventive institutions.
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